Job Opportunities
Scare Actor
Must be 16 years or older
Seeking candidates who are energetic, reliable, creative, creepy, and of course, able to scare! Actors should be able to stay in character at all times, free-style acting or monolog acting, sometimes in intensive environments and vocally challenging scares. We look for a wide variety of strong actors. Acting experience is not required.
Non-Acting/Customer Service
Must be 16 years or older
Seeking candidates with strong customer service skills who can carry out a variety of duties: Ticket Taker/Line control, Paintball sales personnel, and Paintball ticket booth.
Make-up Artist
Must be 16 years or older
Seeking candidates who can airbrush or SFX make-up or face paint. Needs to be quick and accurate. Please send us some examples of your work.
Tractor Operators
Must be 25 years or older
Seeking candidates who can drive a tractor around the zombie paintball course. Must have experience. References are a plus.
Event Staff
Must be 21 years or older
Seeking candidates who can deal with difficult situations, and secure the area. Must have experience. Please submit a resume and references.
Come Work for Us!
Have you ever wanted to scare the daylights out of someone? Wear scary costumes and make people scream? Meet new people and have a great time? Join the team at Hawes Haunts and enjoy the most unique work experience of your life. Fill out the Application below today!